Entrepreneurs & Start-Ups

Entrepreneurs & Startups category: Here you will find a variety of blog posts about business topics related to your new company and challenges new business owners face.

What Does Every Startup Need? By HBS Monday, August 1, 2022 What Does Every Startup NeedEvery entrepreneur dreams of creating that perfect startup, one with fantastic publicity, additional rounds of abundant funding, huge sales and continued success. However, there are decisions that have to be made and paperwork that should be completed and submitted to the state of incorporation before a startup begins doing business. We talk about it in our blog... Read More
Is Venture Capital Right for Your Business? By HBS Monday, July 25, 2022 Venture capitalists invest money into young businesses in exchange for an ownership stake and usually invest on behalf of a pool of investors... Read More
Think and Grow Rich Book Review By Devin Scott Tuesday, July 5, 2022 Think and grow rich review.Read our book review for Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. Hill describes the main principles that some wealthy people follow to gain their wealth... Read More
4 Common (and Avoidable) Start-Up Mistakes By Andrew Millman Monday, July 4, 2022 Common and Avoidable Start-Up MistakesTry to avoid these common start-up mistakes so you won't waste money or time when you are busy running your new company... Read More
How to Survive a Recession By Gregg Schoenberg Tuesday, June 21, 2022 RecessionNews outlets and economists are sounding the alarm on the increasing probability of a recession in the US. While very different from Great Recession of 2008, the ground rules for surviving any recession are similar. We are republishing a blog that may provide helpful advice on how to weather the financial storm on the horizon... Read More
Do I Need a Business License for My Company? By HBS Monday, May 30, 2022 Do I need a business licenseNo matter what type of business you own—whether it’s in a physical storefront or based online—and regardless if it’s a small or large company, you are going to need to obtain and maintain a business license (possibly more than one)... Read More
How to Protect Your App Idea Legally By HBS Monday, May 23, 2022 Right now is a great time to build an app. The average mobile user uses 9 apps every day, and 30 apps in a month. You have a great chance to build an app that’s useful and profitable... Read More
Drop shipping for your Delaware Company By Justin Damiani Tuesday, March 29, 2022 DropshippingAt Harvard Business Services, Inc. (HBS), a growing number of our clients are forming new Delaware companies for the purpose of creating an ecommerce platform that uses drop shipping as its method. A retail business that does not keep the products it sells in stock, drop shipping companies are popular among both our domestic and non-U.S. clients. With a wide range of products, drop shipping companies have significant advantages in the long run... Read More
Business Resources for Women By HBS Tuesday, October 12, 2021 business resources for womenTwo steps forward, one step back: this adage can describe most social, political, economic, educational and business advances by women... Read More
Turn Your Passions into a Paycheck By Jeff Winslow Monday, October 11, 2021 passion to paycheckWhether you are fully employed or feel underemployed, you may be willing to join the Great Resignation Movement of 2021, but where will that take you? 2022 can be your year to turn the dream of being your own boss into a reality... Read More