There are several things to consider when starting a business, like choosing the company name and choosing the proper business structure. Before, during and after forming a Delaware company, our team at Harvard Business Services, Inc. is here to help set you up to succeed. There's a lot of research that goes into incorporating in Delaware, and we want to help jumpstart the process by providing a general list of steps to take before starting a business.
In this section, you'll find helpful information about why you should form your company in the state of Delaware, what steps to take in order to incorporate, how to choose an appropriate name for your company, what type of business entity suits you best and other things you should know before starting a business.
When you are ready to get started, contact our team, and we will walk you through the entire process and help you understand why so many companies choose Delaware as the home of their corporation or LLC.
Decide Which Type of Business Entity to Form
The first step when forming a Delaware company is to decide on the type of business entity you'd like to start. Depending on your business goals, here is a list of the most popular business entities to consider. Before starting your business, you can read more about each type by following their respective links:
Should I incorporate as an LLC (or Other Entity) Before Starting the Business?
Generally, incorporating your company as an LLC or Corporation is the first step before doing any business. The LLC is by far the most popular type of entity. Incorporating your business makes sure that your company name is registered with the state, and simultaneously the company can obtain the Federal Tax ID Number. The company can then open a bank account and take any necessary next steps with obtaining business licenses.
Research Business Strategies for Your Company
Before becoming a business owner, try to develop a business strategy. Affirm the purpose of your business and how you plan to navigate toward your goals. By establishing a business plan that lays out your products and services, you'll have a clearer focus on your customer base. You can even conduct market research to justify how your product will fulfill your customers' wants and needs. Learn more about specific business strategies on our website.
We have created a series of short, informative videos on a number of different incorporating and company formation topics. Watch now to learn more about the Delaware Franchise Tax and why so many companies incorporate in Delaware.
Since 1981, Harvard Business Services, Inc. has helped form 436,821 Delaware corporations and LLCs for people all over the world.
Harvard Business Services, Inc. guarantees your annual Delaware Registered Agent Fee will remain fixed at $50 per company, per year, for the life of your company.
Harvard can provide assistance throughout the life of your company. These custom services are the most popular with our clients: