The Green (domestic or international) filing package is the most economical and environmentally-friendly way to fulfill the minimum requirements to form a Delaware limited liability company (LLC) or corporation.
We make sure your company name is available to be filed in the state of Delaware.
State fees required for forming a minimum stock corporation or LLC are included in the price.
We take care of everything that's needed to prepare and file your Certificate.
We prepare and file the documents for your Certificate of Incorporation/Formation with the state.
Your new company is filed with the state of Delaware on the same day you place your order.
Your first full year of the best Delaware Registered Agent service is included for free.
Guaranteed never to increase for the life of your company.
Our helpful and experienced staff is happy to assist you throughout the life of your company.
We keep you informed of all annual requirements to keep your company in good standing.
You'll receive a complimentary digital corporate seal featuring your new company's name.
Harvard Business Services, Inc. guarantees your annual Delaware Registered Agent Fee will remain fixed at $50 per company, per year, for the life of your company.
Harvard can provide assistance throughout the life of your company. These custom services are the most popular with our clients: