Is your corporation or LLC name outdated, or no longer reflects the nature of your business? Do you need to make changes to your original articles of organization or incorporation? Don't form a new company - Harvard Business Services, Inc. can file an amendment quickly and efficiently for you.
If you're interested in changing your company name, please call us at 800-345-2677, Ext 6900. We're also available to help via email or live chat.
Name Change Amendment: $450
The HBS Blog offers insight on Delaware corporations and LLCs as well as information about entrepreneurship, startups and general business topics.
Since 1981, Harvard Business Services, Inc. has helped form 420,482 Delaware corporations and LLCs for people all over the world.
Harvard Business Services, Inc. guarantees your annual Delaware Registered Agent Fee will remain fixed at $50 per company, per year, for the life of your company.
Harvard can provide assistance throughout the life of your company. These custom services are the most popular with our clients: